Profile: Craft

AF-1 Amazon

Blue Phantom ChroniclesTransport - Armed Transport

The Sinicyan Amazon is a small personnel transport used throughout the Sinicyan Matriacy. Like many Sinix-originating vessels its design is sleek and aerodynamic in order to safely navigate through the planet's turbulent atmosphere, a fact that gives these ships a general advantage over solely spacebound vessels from other manufactors.



3 laser cannons (forward)

2 dual turrets

1 multisho warhead launcher

AF-1 Amazon

Basic Info

Name: AF-1 Amazon

Manufacturer: Sinix Shipyards

Dimensions: 30 x 32 x 8 meters


v1.0 Model in Progress


Author Information

Original Design: Vince T

Model & Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T



Dev notes & Origins

The Amazon's design was originally intended for the personal starship of the Briceran Overlord Sorrin Vaylon. The original design dates back to my hand-drawn comics from the late 90's.

Before renaming it to Amazon to comply with Sinicyan naming convention, the ship went under the name of AF1 Spectre.

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